Mrs. Smith's Daily Message

March 31st and April 1st

Eeek! How did I miss yesterday's message? I just want to let you guys know how proud of you I am! I see all of your hard work online, and all of your hard work at home. Moms and dads have been sending me pictures of the work you've done, and some extra fun things you've been doing. 

Ethanie's family sharing wise words and kindness ❤.

Jayleen's cover of her new book ❤.

Emma, checking out Google Maps locations ❤.

Ethanie, logging on to eSpark and exploring ❤.

March 30, 2020

I'm loving seeing your pictures of your at-home learning!  Derrick found out that his dog loves to practice yoga with him!  Cosmic Kids Yoga can be found on our P.E. page.  Ethanie had a great time exploring the world with and Google maps! You can find out how to do that in my message from March 26th.  I can't wait to see more of your fun with learning!






March 27, 2020

The winners of today's challenge are Emma A., Derrick, and Axel!  They finished all of the challenge assignments I posted under the Math tab and have won a Scholastic book of their choice, that will be sent to their homes.  Great job!

March 26, 2020

I promised you all a it is!

March 25, 2020

We're halfway through the week!  Today is Wednesday, March 25th.  Can you believe the month of March is almost over?  It's finally Spring! Soon the flowers will start blooming and the weather will start getting warmer.  I'm really excited about a surprise I have for you tomorrow!  I think you're all going to love it.  I'll give you two hints: Scientists observe animals to learn about them and there are animals all over the world. You're going to have to wait and see what your surprise is.  I miss you all so much and hope you're listening to and helping out your important grown-ups at home.

March 24, 2020

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I'm so glad that today is much sunnier than yesterday because I can go out for a walk.  What have you guys been doing? I've been working on doodling with Mo Willems and working on writing a journal entry every day.  I think it will be interesting to look back on this odd time and see what my thoughts/feelings were.  You can do that also!   I miss you so much!  

PS- If you have any Mo Willems doodles that you'd like to share, have a grown-up send them to me through Class Dojo.

March 23, 2020

Hi kiddos! I miss you! I was so happy to open up. my messages and see some of the things you've been doing at home! Your classmate, Miss E.,  sent me a picture of her idea map project and one of her family doing Cosmic Kids Yoga! If you'd like to share your work with your friends, have a grown-up send it to me and I'll share it here.